how to memorize music

How To Memorize Music: The 3 Kinds of Musical Memory

Playing from memory is a skill that I believe is not only possible for every player, but is indeed essential for every player. I never feel that I know a piece, or have "internalized" a piece, until I have been

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what should i practice thumb

What Should I Practice On Guitar

Download this guide! A recent letter asked this question:"What specifically should I practice, chords, scales or songs? I am feeling overwhelmed with lessons, books, methods, skills, & principles of practice!" This feeling of overwhelm troubles many beginning guitar students and

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Boredom & Guitar Practice

Even the most ardent and enthusiastic players and students will at some time or another, find that they must deal with the enemy of forward movement known as “boredom”. The experience can range from feeling a localized loss of enthusiasm

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how to relax on guitar

The Real Meaning Of Relaxed Guitar Playing

Hi Jamie,Supposedly, when certain people (these people obviously are those who are the best at playing guitar) play guitar, they experience a complete relaxation both physically and mentally. I was wondering if you experience this when you play? Additionally, I

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hand cramping on guitar

Why Is My Hand Cramping On Guitar?

If you have pain while playing the are doing things wrong! You need foundation training.  Hi Jamie,I have been working on eliminating tension from my body when I practice, but I am getting a bad cramp in my left

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5 biggest mistakes all guitar students make

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Guitar Students Make

1) Practicing Guitar Too Fast Virtually all guitar students practice everything at a speed that makes it impossible for their muscles to work in a relaxed fashion. Unknown to students, their muscles are in a state of chronic tension during the

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how to relax on guitar

Discover Your Discomfort: How To Relax On Guitar

Have you ever had trouble playing something on the guitar? Have you ever seen or heard someone play something, tried to do it yourself, maybe practiced it for a long time, and ended up with only frustration and bad feelings

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Quality Control In Guitar Practice

 "When you practice guitar - you are your own teacher. Be a good one!" ...Jamie Andreas The 2 Conditions Of Correct Practice Correct Practice must fulfill two conditions: 1) Knowing the right thing to do 2) Making sure you do

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The 4 Essential Levels of Guitar Success

The 4 Levels To Guitar Success

Guitar Success means becoming a REAL guitar player. What is a REAL guitar player? A REAL guitar player is a player who: Plays music like it is supposed to sound, from beginning to end with no stops, starts, and breakdowns

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Deliberate Practice On Guitar

Deliberate Practice On Guitar

Expert Performance and Deliberate Practice  There is a field of study called “expert performance”. It is basically the study of “people who are great at doing something”, and trying to figure out why they are the way they are, and

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