Learn To Change Guitar Chords Easily - In Time With The Music!

No matter how long you have struggled to change chords smoothly, you will find ALL the secrets of quick, easy chord changes in this course!


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Our course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Try it out for a month, and if you're not happy, simply send us an email and we'll refund your purchase price.

You Practice and Practice and Practice - and you still can't change chords fast enough to play a song!


It's All About HOW You Practice Those Chords! !

You probably think it's you! You probably think you just don't have what it takes to play the guitar. You are wrong! The only thing you don't have is the correct practice method that will train your fingers to easily, smoothly, and quickly change from one chord to another. 

Are You...

Tired of practicing chord changes over and over and still not being able to change them fast enough to play a song? 

happy face

You will learn exactly how to train your fingers when you practice so that your fingers will learn to change chords quickly and easily! (hint: slow practice is the key...and it's much slower than you think!)

frustrated person

Wasting hours spent practicing and getting no results? That is the fastest way to lose all motivation to sit down and practice guitar. 

happy face

You will see progress every time you use the special methods for practicing chords you will learn in "First Chords & Songs"!)

frustrated person

Asking yourself "What's wrong with me? Everybody else can do these chords, why not me"???

happy group

You will too!  When you use the methods in "First Chords & Songs" to practice chords, you will realize there was nothing wrong with you - there was something wrong with the way you were practicing chords!


I couldn't recommend First Chords & Songs more highly, it's amazing. I am finally learning to change chords fast enough to play a song all the way through! I am so grateful for Jamie.

She is a total professional and her attention to detail is phenomenal. She takes a total holistic approach to learning the guitar.

No one comes even close to the
level of detail Jamie teaches to ensure you have a strong foundation from which to move forward effectively.

I highly recommend Jamie and her course
"First Chords & Songs" to anyone who wants to learn how to play chords and change them quickly with a proven methodology.

John Halsall Adult guitar student

What Is Wrong With The Methods You've Tried?

The methods you have tried for learning chords are seriously flawed. What is wrong with them?


Complex chords taught in the wrong order!

The "Favorite Song" Method:  Many teachers will say to a new student "What's your favorite song?"...and then give them that song to learn. This is a terrible way to learn chords on the guitar. 'Why?

Because you will get a bunch of chords to learn that vary randomly in difficulty level. Very likely you will need bar chords for the song, which is impossible for beginners to do well, and will build a lot of bad habits into the fingers. 

Chords should be learned in a very particular order, from easy to more complex. First Chords & Songs will teach you chords in the best order for your fingers to learn them easily.  


No precise instructions for how to move your fingers

You only get chord diagrams and maybe some guitar teacher doing the chords. Then you are supposed to somehow magically do the chords yourself - just because you watched the teacher do them! 

I'm sorry, but osmosis does not work when it comes to learning guitar. Your fingers don't magically become able to move like the teachers fingers just because you watched the teacher do it!

You need precise and detailed directions about what each finger is supposed to do when you change from one finger to another, and more importantly, what your fingers should not do!


no mention of the 2 biggest "chord change killers"

There are 2 bad things every guitar student does when they start to learn chords. These 2 things will make changing chords difficult or impossible. They are:

1) Holding tension in your shoulder. Real control of the fingers begins in the shoulder. There is a natural tendency to tense the shoulder when trying to move the fingers into chord shapes. It cuts off control of your fingers. 

"First Chords & Songs" will teach you how to prevent this tension buildup in the shoulder. 

2) Holding your breath.  Yes, virtually all guitar students are constantly holding their breath while trying to change chords. It can be very difficult to be aware of this and prevent it.

"First Chords & Songs" will teach you how to be aware of this tendency to hold the breath, and to prevent it when changing chords. 


no precise method for teaching the fingers to change chords fast enough

Even in a slow song, the actual chord changes are fast. The beat may be slow, but when it comes time to change to a new chord, that change must be done in a split second. If not, the song breaks down - and that isn't music. 

Here is a reality check - each chord change must be practiced:

a) super slow...how slow, would you believe 8 seconds to make the change!

b) you must focus on your shoulders and your breathing while you attempt to control your fingers

c) you must bring up the speed very gradually, using the metronome according to a very precise schedule of speeds you will learn in "First Chords & Songs". 

If you really want to be a good guitar player, you owe it to yourself to get "First Chords & Songs".

Larry Marshall first chords and songs user


As with the Correct Principles of Practice, Jamie kills it with First Chords and Songs! Easy to follow, learn and play from the ground up, developing good habits of practice and play that quickly translates into results. I have tried many different ways to learn and play guitar and Jamie's are the best at turning effort into reality!

Larry  Marshall Adult guitar student

Try our course for 30 days, risk-free.

Our course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Try it out for a month, and if you're not happy, simply send us an email and we'll refund your purchase price.

What You'll Learn In First Chords & Songs...


Precise finger by finger directions for each chord change!

Nothing is left to chance, nothing is left un-explained about how to get from one chord to another. There will be no confusion about what to do and how to do it as you master each chord and each chord change. 

You will be told how to move each finger in the best way to get from one chord to another. 

Easy songs to learn first!

You will progress step by step from one song to another as you learn to use these chords to play songs. Your first song will be easy - only one chord! But you'll learn the secrets of keeping a steady strum going while your voice sings a melody using a different rhythm. 

Then you will move on step by step to more  complex songs as you use your first chords to play real music. 


Maybe the most important thing you will learn is the foolproof methods for teaching your fingers how to first do each chord change super-slowly, and then gradually speed it up using a modified version of the powerful practice method taught in "The Principles of Correct Practice For Guitar" - The Basic Practice Approach.


Stop Wasting Time Practicing Guitar And Getting Nowhere!

It's time to learn how to really practice chords!

Yes, as usual, it comes down to how you practice. Right now, you think "Well, I'll just keep doing this chord change over and over and over, just like my teacher says"! Someday, I'll get it.

I've met many students like this. Unfortunately, that "someday" keeps getting pushed further and further into the future. The most common outcome is frustration, and eventually giving up. You just start losing your enthusiasm for practice.

Why should you practice, you're not getting anything for your time and effort. 

Or, maybe you have started to get a little suspicious of that advice to "Just keep practicing". Maybe you have started to figure out the real truth. Maybe you have started to realize that your teacher simply doesn't know how to make you become able to change chords smoothly! 

The fact is, when you learn the methods in "First Chords & Songs" you will know more than your teacher does about how to practice chord  changes!

Imagine learning new chords easily!

Imagine learning to change the chords to your favorite songs easily!

Yes, it's possible, if you know the methods I teach you in "First Chords & Songs". 

I QUIT Guitar because I couldn't do the C chord!

That is the sad story told to me by the student below. This should never happen! Fortunately, his guitar playing dreams were brought to life once again when he discovered "First Chords & Songs"!


Try our course for 30 days, risk-free.

Our course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Try it out for a month, and if you're not happy, simply send us an email and we'll refund your purchase price.

First Chords & Songs  

a game changer for guitar students

Video 1: Preparation For Your First Song

When you sing and play you are really playing 2 instruments at once, your voice and  the guitar Your hand must strum one rhythm, while your voice sings another rhythm (the song melody). This is not easy for beginners.

This video will teach you how to control both rhythms. It uses a song that has only one chord, making it easy to grasp this skill. 

Guitar Principles First Chords & Songs Video 1

Video 2: Learning Our First Chord & Song

Here you will find precise directions for placing your fingers into the G chord. Using the one finger G chord and the 2 finger G chord are demonstrated. 

You will learn to strum a stead beat while singing the melody. 

Guitar Principles First Chords & Songs Video 2

Video 3: Learning the Full G Chord

In this video you will learn how and why fingers need to go on the strings differently when playing chords than they do when playing scale notes. 

You will learn the full 3 finger G chord and how to use it when playing a song. 

Guitar Principles First Chords & Songs Video 3

Video 4: Learning To Change From G to E minor 

You will learn the best way of changing these chords. You will learn why taking fingers off strings is more difficult than placing fingers on strings. 

You will learn to keep the arm and fingers completely relaxed as you change from G to E minor. 

Guitar Principles First Chords & Songs Video 4

Video 5: How To Practice Chord Changes

This video is extremely important. It teaches you the method you will use to teach your fingers how to make any chord change fast. 

You will learn a modified version of "The Basic Practice Approach" to train your fingers to go from super slow to fast on any chord change.

Guitar Principles First Chords & Songs Video 5

Video 5a: Chord Change Exercise: G to Em

After building speed on the G to Em chord change, we now do an exercise where we strum the chords to a steady beat. 

This is what is what we need to be able to do when we use chords to play a real song. 

Guitar Principles First Chords & Songs Video 5a

Video 6: Learning the C Chord

The C chord is a very common chord. It gives students a lot of trouble, and is often done badly. It is a difficult chord to master  because the 1st finger is required to flex bar back to the first fret while the 3rd finger must extend outward to the 3rd fret. 

However, when you use the method shown in this video, your fingers will learn to do the C chord like a pro!

Guitar Principles First Chords & Songs Video 6

Video 6a: Chord Change Exercise: G-Em-C-G

We learn to do steady strums while we change these chords. 

Guitar Principles First Chords & Songs Video 6a

Video 7: Learning the D Chord

The D chord is another difficult chord for beginners to learn to do smoothly. This is because the 2nd and 3rd finger must move in opposite directions as the chord is placed.

You will learn how to overcome this difficulty as you learn to do the chord first by moving one finger at a time, and then by "divebombing", forming the chord in the air and moving all fingers at once before placing fingers on the strings. 

Guitar Principles First Chords & Songs Video 7

Video 8: The G to C Chord Change

G to C is one of the harder chord changes. In this video I give you detailed instructions on how to move your fingers from one position to the other. 

Guitar Principles First Chords & Songs Video 8

Video 9:  D to C and back again

I guide you with super slow practice as you move between these 2 chords. 

Guitar Principles First Chords & Songs Video 9

Video 10: Chord Change Exercise: G-Em-C-D-G

Finally, we put all the chord changes together into one sequence. All your previous practice of doing each change slowly and using the Basic Practice Approach will make this possible. 

These chords are used in thousands of songs, so if you can do this exercise well, you can learn and play thousands of songs!

Guitar Principles First Chords & Songs Video 10

Video 11: Songs To Get Started

Here are 3 good songs to start getting the hang of using these chords to play songs. 

* Happy Birthday (very useful!)
* Auld Lang Syne (useful once a year)
* Amazing Grace (always useful!)

It is best to start with rather short and simple songs and build from there. That is what we do here. You will take it from here and learn your next thousand songs!

Guitar Principles First Chords & Songs Video 11

Try our course for 30 days, risk-free.

Our course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Try it out for a month, and if you're not happy, simply send us an email and we'll refund your purchase price.

About Jamie Andreas

"The Principles Of Correct Practice For Guitar"

"The Principles Of Correct Practice For Guitar"

Jamie Andreas is the author of the revolutionary method for guitar "The Principles of Correct Practice For Guitar". "The Principles" method has been recognized by students and educators around the world as a powerful and unique approach to guitar that guarantees success for all students due its focus on bio-mechanics and the science of how fingers learn to move accurately on the guitar strings. 

The statements below summarize Jamie, her teaching, and the recognition they have received. see more...

guardian angle of guitar

"I look around at the state of instruction for guitar

and I find only one person out of all guitar educators, who bases instruction on the science of producing sound, the biomechanics of doing it, and the neurology of learning to do it well. Jamie Andreas, of course.

I just don't understand how out of 7 billion of us, only one has recognized the need to understand how our bodies and brains work, and how to apply that to playing and teaching guitar. It's simply bizarre"...David Pike, guitar student

First Chords & Songs reviewed by "Rugged Reviews"

rugged review first chords and songs

Reviewed by Larry Richardson for rugged reviews November 2009

"Her approach to guitar is the opposite of the quick and easy sham lessons that abound out there. That’s why it works!"

Easy Chord Changes and Having Fun Playing Your Favorite Songs - This is the future you deserve!

No Music & Guitar Lover should be denied the pleasure and fulfillment of playing the songs they love

One of the great highlights of my life was learning my first chords and playing my favorite Bob Dylan songs! I was lucky, I did not have much trouble changing the chords smoothly. My teaching experience quickly taught me that most new guitar players DO have trouble changing chords. I figured out why I could do it, and how I did it, and I put these methods in "First Chords & Songs" so anyone could do what I did.

Stop Spending Your Valuable Practice Time - and getting nothing for it

Do you want to continue to spend your valuable time practicing chords and songs and still not being able to change the chords smoothly? Of course not! With "First Chords & Songs" your practice time will finally start being an investment that pays BIG dividends. You'll see chord changes getting easier every time you sit down to practice.

I have met any students who have been trying to change chords smoothly for 10 years, 20 years, even 30 years! Stop watching other people change chords smoothly while you wonder what is wrong with you!  

Stop Feeling Frustrated Every Time You Practice - and stop blaming yourself for not having "talent"!

There's nothing wrong with you - the only thing wrong is the way you have been practicing! Change that, and playing and changing chords will be easy!



“One of my biggest stumbling blocks has been my inability to change chords and strumming along to songs…However, after using the methods in "First Chords & Songs"  and working with it for the past 30 days, I can tell you that I now know that smooth chord changes and a sense of rhythm can be developed… I am having lots of fun, and "First Chords & Songs" has given me a new fervor for learning to be a musician”…

 Jim C. Chicago, IL.retired executive

My Guitar Teaching...

The Difference


So often on the internet a guitar teacher is selling you a lot of material about guitar. You'll get scale diagrams, chord diagrams, and videos of the teacher doing them. 

What you won't get are methods that are proven to work for the average person!

I have personally taught thousands of people over 53 years of teaching guitar. By that I mean I have turned thousands of ordinary people into real guitar players. Many of these students had tried and failed for years to change chords fast enough to play a song. 

Changing chords fast enough to play a whole song is the first hurdle every student must overcome. "First Chords & Songs" is the result of decades of teaching, research, trial and error and success with every type of student. 

It will open the door to endless guitar satisfaction and growth for you. 

guitar lesson with Jamie Andreas