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Learn About The Principles
Learn about “The Principles of Correct Practice For Guitar” and how they will make you a better guitarist than you ever thought possible. “The Principles” is the only guitar method that teaches you HOW to play guitar, not just WHAT to play.
“The Principles” system is based on the scientific laws of how muscles learn movements, or “motor control learning”. You will learn exactly what to do when you sit down to practice, and exactly how to do it.
You will learn how to develop your fingers so that they work better than you ever thought possible. Using the practice methods the best players use, you will develop Pro Level Guitar Ability with “The Principles Of Correct Practice For Guitar”.

How to Handle Your Guitar Teacher
"The Principles" vs. Your Guitar Teacher"The Principles Of Correct Practice For Guitar" has been an "ah-ha" moment for countless long time players. If you read "The Principles" before you begin guitar lessons, it will drastically change how your lessons proceed. Your teacher

Training the Right Hand For Perfect Fingerstyle Guitar Playing
The 2 Types Of Finger Strokes Used On Guitar There are 2 ways that right hand fingers are used when playing fingerstyle guitar. They are rest stroke and free stroke. I will explain each one and how to develop them.

Take The Tension Test
Take The Tension Test!How much tension are you (really) playing with?Practicing guitar while holding tension in any part of the body will prevent your fingers from learning the movements you are trying to teach them. Unfortunately, virtually ALL guitar students

Discover The Light Finger
How Do Fingers Work On Guitar? A guitar player uses their fingers on the strings the same way a runner uses their legs. How is that done? We shift our weight to one leg. We relax the other leg and

Walking Across Strings With The Heavy Arm
Walking Across The Strings With The Heavy Arm I hope you enjoyed learning about 1The Light Finger 2The Firm Finger 3The Floating Arm 4The Heavy Arm 5Walking Across The Strings With Light Fingers & Floating Arm Now it is time

Guitar Lovers Are Guitar Lifers!
Guitar Lovers Are In It For Life! What is it about the guitar that makes so many people have a lifelong obsession with all things guitar? I am fascinated by the fact that I have met so many people who

Build Guitar Skill with The Basic Practice Approach
You're Not "Practicing Guitar...you are doing Motor Control Learning! When you sit down to practice guitar, you are not really "practicing guitar". You are really trying to teach your fingers to make particular movements in a particular way that will produce the

1. What You’d Better Know BEFORE You Practice Guitar
Here are the simple things you need to be aware of and understand before you begin to learn the guitar. Pay attention to these things, and you will be successful on guitar. Body Awareness The awareness of the physical body

7. The Cycle Of The Note
Learn To Control "The Cycle Of The Note" - Or Suffer From Uncontrolled Tension!There are certain things that go wrong at the beginning of virtually all guitar students training. The most important of these is ignorance of what happens in

4. Guitar Habits 1: Movement Follow Form
Form First, Then Movement No matter what field of activity, if it is done with your body you are going to find that the best training teaches you form before anything else. If you take dance lessons, they will teach

What Are “The Principles”?
What Are “The Principles”? Most guitar methods do not actually train your fingers to play the guitar well. They give you music and exercises that require already trained fingers to be able to play them well, without struggle. Guitar Principles

Are The Principles For You?
Are "The Principles Of Correct Practice For Guitar" ...For YOU?The short answer: YES! If you are interested in finally getting pro level skill in your fingers!"The Principles Of Correct Practice For Guitar" is a scientific method for training your fingers