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I Will Teach You HOW To Practice Guitar For MAXIMUM RESULTS every time!
Watch this interview to learn my powerful system!
"7 Things You Must Do To Get Results From Your Guitar Practice"

You've never seen teaching like mine! Would you like to?
Jamie Andreas Featured In...

Get Twice As Good - Twice As Fast!
7 Powerful Guitar Practice Tips That Will Make You Better - Every Time You Use Them!
"Jamie is one of the few teachers interested in the relationship between muscle and brain and how to use one’s body efficiently, decidedly rare in the field of guitar instruction.” Dr. Gary Marcus, professor, NYU speaks of the teachings of Jamie Andreas in his NY TIMES Bestseller Guitar Zero.
If your ears were burning on Saturday it was because I was once again
telling a roomful of students to get "Principles of Correct Practice for Guitar." I have an early spiral-bound edition. It is the single most valuable half-inch of space in the linear yard or so of guitar books I've accumulated over the last 45 years or so of playing. If I had a dollar for every time I've recommended it, I could buy a harp-guitar or a lute.
Here's the thing. I'm a professional educator. The science of instruction is what I did my undergraduate and graduate work in, what I've spent the last 30 years doing for a living. I teach teachers how to teach.
Your book explains HOW TO LEARN to play the guitar. Not *what* to practice, but *how* to practice. I have used your break-it-down-into-minute-discrete-movements method for decades, and seen it work over and over and over, with my own playing as well as that of my students.
So I just wanted to say thank you.
CORRIE BERGERON, guitar player, educator
I Finally Learned HOW To Play Guitar!
I want to learn how to practice and get pro grade fingers with "The Foundation Exercises"!
If Your Not Getting Better On Guitar… Here’s Why (read these articles)
How Guitarists Worldwide Have Had Their Playing Transformed By My Unique System:
He Played With Mistakes For 10 Years! ...until he learned "The Principles!
Congratulations to Nikhil! After months of correct practice, he has nailed this complex fingerstyle piece Wildwood Flower.
"Thank you Jamie! I have to confess I couldn't play a piece like that without missed notes and mistakes for over 10 years. Your thorough instruction and feedback made it possible to play it note for note at that speed." ~ Nikhil
"Jamie, I just want to say Thank You for your practice method and teaching guidance!"

Stacey Welu // Guitar Student of Jamie Andreas
.............LOOK AT STACEY NOW!
"We had new friends over last night. They saw my guitars and asked if I played. I played and sang House of the Rising Sun on my electric and Fast Car on my acoustic. I am thrilled to say that I had no problem playing and singing both songs and although I had a few butterflies, when I placed my first hand position the slow practice and continuous contact with the guitar paid off and I was calm and relaxed throughout the rest of the song.
Considering a few months ago I struggled with simple 3 chord strumming songs, to play flat-pick and finger style confidently for others is a huge milestone!"
~ Stacey Welu
"I have struggled for years trying to learn left hand placement, and the mechanics of the various chord changes, but alone this is nearly impossible.
Everything Jamie describes is what I am experiencing, from having a bad teacher to trying to teach myself. I watched videos of teachers saying "Watch me play it, now you do it." They never tell you the real mechanics of how the fingers must work. This is what is missing from everyone else’s lessons. I think I just found my inspiration again!" ~ David Falgout
Jamie Andreas - Great Player, Great Teacher
Watch videos of Jamie's mastery of guitar below...
"Yesterday" (McCartney / Beatles)
I made this arrangement after about 6 years of playing guitar. I spent the next 30 years learning to play it.
About My Teaching
2. How to Practice Guitar Effectively and Avoid Mistakes
Load More Your Muscles Don’t Know Right From Wrong Muscle memory is excellent, but it can work for or against you. For example, what happens if you do the right
5. Guitar Left Hand Technique – TWO “Correct” Positions…
Load More The 2 Left Hand Positions You Need To Know On Guitar: There is more than one "correct" guitar left hand position. Regardless of whether you play classical guitar,
Build Guitar Skill with The Basic Practice Approach
You're Not "Practicing Guitar...you are doing Motor Control Learning! When you sit down to practice guitar, you are not really "practicing guitar". You are really trying to teach your fingers to make
1. What You’d Better Know BEFORE You Practice Guitar
Here are the simple things you need to be aware of and understand before you begin to learn the guitar. Pay attention to these things, and you will be successful
What It Feels Like To Play Guitar
The "guitar face" on Angus Young from AC/DC very effectively conveys what it feels like to play the guitar, really play. It feels GREAT!
Practice is Meditation, Playing Is Prayer
Enlightenment is not a matter of seeing something new. It is finally seeing what you have been looking at all the time………..Jamie AndreasI often
Patience & Guitar Practice
Imagine a farmer who has planted his field with corn on Sunday. On Monday, he comes to check his field and sees no corn
Guitar Playing Plateau? Do This...A student once asked me “how do you handle it when you hit a plateau, when you feel like you
The Meaning Of Life
The most difficult thing in life is finding something worth living for. The second most difficult thing is knowing when you've found it......Jamie AndreasOkay,
Mark Twain On Practicing Guitar
"Life is one damn thing after another!"...........................Mark TwainMark Twain, being a humorist, often put profound insights into humorous form. One can find the inner
How To Memorize Music: The 3 Kinds of Musical Memory
Playing from memory is a skill that I believe is not only possible for every player, but is indeed essential for every player. I
What Should I Practice On Guitar
Download this guide! A recent letter asked this question:"What specifically should I practice, chords, scales or songs? I am feeling overwhelmed with lessons, books,
Boredom & Guitar Practice
Even the most ardent and enthusiastic players and students will at some time or another, find that they must deal with the enemy of
The Real Meaning Of Relaxed Guitar Playing
Hi Jamie,Supposedly, when certain people (these people obviously are those who are the best at playing guitar) play guitar, they experience a complete relaxation
Why Is My Hand Cramping On Guitar?
If you have pain while playing the guitar...you are doing things wrong! You need foundation training. Hi Jamie,I have been working on eliminating tension
The 5 Biggest Mistakes Guitar Students Make
1) Practicing Guitar Too Fast Virtually all guitar students practice everything at a speed that makes it impossible for their muscles to work in a